Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Truth Tuesday-"The People's Seat"

There is a huge political race going on in Massachusettes right now. It is an election to fill Sen. Ted Kennedy's seat. MA is a democratic (very progressive) state with dems outnumbering Repubs 3 to 1. But there is something amazing going on. The Republican contender is in a dead heat with the Democrat. A dead heat in Massachusettes. Unheard of. If the Republican won, it would end the 60 seat fillibuster in Congress--this is huge, especially with the health care bill coming up for a vote.

Here is a portion of the debate between the 2 from a couple nights ago (just over a minute long). I wanted to use this for Truth Tuesday because it is the truth. The seats of Congress belong to the American people, not the individuals filling them. They are OUR representatives. This message has been lost for a long time. This is what the tea party movement is all about. It is about the American people not being represented. The Govt is supposed to be 'Of the People, For the People and By the People'. This is not how it is right now and I think some of our leaders are finally starting to get the message. The tide is turning.

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